We Live Green, Support Green, and Build Green.
We strive to minimize our negative impact on the environment; sustainability is part of our mission and culture. We support sustainable and safe methods of food production and manage our operations to reduce environmental degradation and maintain our great Earth’s productivity.
Robinson Hill is a member of:
Robinson Hill has satisfied the Chicago Department of Aviation's
sustainability requirements to qualify for green "Leader" status.
Robinson Hill is a green food & beverage concessionaire. The Green Concessions Policy mandates that all existing and future concessionaires comply with each of the following requirements:
- Ban polystyrene foam (Styrofoam) for all disposable consumer packaging
- Ban all petroleum-based plastic bags, including trash and take-out bags
- Ban all petroleum-based plastic disposable consumer containers and utensils
- Source-separate all solid waste refuse into Recyclables, Compostables, & Refuse (non-recyclable/non-compostable)
- Procure only green cleaning and hygiene products and soaps
- Increase procurement of sustainable foods to a minimum of 20 percent of total costs by 2016
- Procure recycled content paper for office/printing uses that has a minimum recycled content of 100 percent.
- Donate surplus food to the greatest extent allowable by food safety regulations
- Incorporate Sustainable Airport Manual© (SAM) guidance to the greatest extent possible and achieve a Green Airplane Rating for Concessions & Tenants